Business Division

Business Division
Mission Statement

The Business Division at Monroe County Community College is dedicated to offering higher education learning experiences in a vast array of business- and technology-related disciplines which will equip students with abilities and skills allowing them the opportunity to be successful whether entering the world of work or continuing their education.


  • Offer skill-based courses to enhance students' technological knowledge with the goal of providing them with abilities appropriate to immediate application in a place of work, meeting the needs of employers.
  • Offer freshman- and sophomore-level courses appropriate for transfer into the first two years of a four-year, business- or technology-related degree.
  • Develop and promote community college-to-baccalaureate level articulation or transfer agreements to facilitate seamless matriculation for students wishing to pursue a four-year degree
  • Offer two-year associate degrees and certificates in occupational-related fields intended to lead to immediate employment in the chosen field of study
  • Develop, offer and promote learning experiences in the various business fields to provide students with opportunities to explore out-of-class activities which will supplement classroom-based learning.

About the Business Division

The Business Division strives to consistently stay up-to-date with business curriculum and instructional software which continue to evolve to meet the ever changing needs of business and industry.

The division is comprised of many dedicated full-time faculty members, talented support staff members and adjunct faculty who are committed to sharing their experience and knowledge in specific business topics with our students.

Please enjoy your exploration of the Business Division, and please contact us to discover more about how we might fulfill your educational needs.


B.S., Goldley-Beacon College
M.B.A, Delaware State University
Graduate Certificate, Davenport University
Certified Public Accountant

Contact Information

(734) 384-4289,, F-193h

B.A. Purdue University
J.D. New York Law School

Contact Information

(734) 384-4284, F-193e


B.B.A. University of Toledo
M.S. Purdue University
M.A. Northcentral University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4286,, F-193f

B.F.A., Savannah College of Art and Design
M.F.A., Savannah College of Art and Design
Graduate Certificate, Augustana University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4142,, F-137

B.A.A., Central Michigan University
M.B.A., Wayne State University
M.S., University of Detroit Mercy
Ph.D., Eastern Michigan University
Graduate Certificate, Central Michigan University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4148,, F-112

B.S., University of Arkansas – Fort Smith
M.S., Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4149,, F-139

B.B.A., Eastern Michigan University
M.B.E,  Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4294,, F-193b


MCCC offers a number of transfer programs agreements with four-year colleges and universities.  For more information, go to MCCC’s Transfer Information Center, click on the institution below, or contact the division office or the academic department at the college or university to which you plan to transfer.

Business Management  

For students who pursue an associate of applied science in business management at MCCC, the college has a seamless transfer articulation agreements with Eastern Michigan and the University of Toledo for bachelor’s degrees in business administration.
Eastern Michigan University web site: 
UT Articulation Agreement BBA any specialization from A.A.S Business Management

Computer Information Systems

The Business Division’s Computer Information Systems (CIS) area currently has one 2+2 transfer degree program with the University of Michigan at Dearborn and two 2+2 transfer degree programs with Eastern Michigan University. In addition, it has one 3+1 transfer degree program with Siena Heights University.

The 2+2 transfer degree program means you complete one of the specified associate of applied science CIS degree programs at MCCC and then transfer seamlessly to one of the specified universities to earn a bachelor’s degree. 

For more info on the 2+2 transfer degree program with EMU:

For info on the 2+2 transfer degree program with UM-Dearborn:

The 3+1 transfer degree program with Siena Heights means you complete any of the associate of applied science in computer and information systems degree programs and take an additional 30 hours of MCCC CIS and/or other MCCC courses at MCCC’s tuition rate and then transfer seamlessly to Siena Heights to take the final 30 hours of Siena Heights courses (right here on the MCCC campus) to earn a bachelor of applied science degree.

For more info on the 3+1 transfer degree program with Siena Heights-Monroe, call (734) 384-4133 or stop by the office in Room 112 of the Life Sciences Building.

Division Spotlight: Agriculture Program

Division Spotlight: Agriculture

MCCC operates an agriculture program in conjunction with Michigan State University. Classes cover topics such as entomology, farm management, crop science and water resource management. There’s also an Agriculture Club at MCCC, agriculture students are part of a community farm opportunity through an Urban Farm Grant, and they also participate in the planting and cultivation of agricultural test plots.

Learn More about the Agriculture Program

Division Contact Information

Beverly C. Tomek

Humanities and Social Sciences Dean/Interim Business Division Dean
Phone Icon 734.384.4282
Building / Office IconFounders Hall, F-193

Kristen Brown

Agriculture Program Coordinator
Phone Icon 734.384.4278
Building / Office IconFounders Hall, F-193c


Fall and Winter Semesters
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Summer Semester
Mon - Thur: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.